Resilience Is....

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2023
Resilience Is...

Mastering the art of self-regulation to combat everyday stressors, from environmental factors to personal challenges, and building a stronger, more resilient you.  Everything is energy and energy can not be created or destroyed; only altered.  Learning how to self-regulate and consciously alter your energy is the foundation for resilience.  Learning these skills and practices is the foundation for my SURFERS Method.

Resilience can be improved just like the strength and endurance of any muscle can be improved.  The processes are the same; challenge/stress is synthesized into growth.  Challenges, setbacks, and stress in our mental, emotional, and spiritual lives are similar to challenging our physical muscles using resistance and challenge. 

Resilience can be improved by becoming more aware, and mindful of our inner landscape and recognizing the physiological signs that accompany going into The Stress Response (fight, flight, freeze, or fawn).  Some of the signs are: increased respiration rate, shallowness of breath, increased heart rate, feeling muscular tension throughout the body, feeling blood flow to the extremities increasing.  When we notice these sensations in our bodies, we can consciously begin to regulate them.  We can learn to override our Old Brain behavior loop.  

We can rescue our amygdalas and use our New (more evolved) Brain to respond to a situation in a conscious and mindful way.

The ability to selectively override the Old Brain is a practice that can be taught.  It is a practice that one becomes more adept at as a result of consistent practice.  The practice starts by becoming more aware/mindful and then having the courage to acknowledge strong emotions and uncomfortable states of being and work with these emotions and states. 

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf."

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